I was online with one of my gonna naik pelamin kaki, asking me the step by step to buy stuffs on ebay. Oh my, I'm an expert with online shopping this is where I got all my barang barang at such a BARGAIN!!!!!!
I have yet to think what i want for my dulang but definately the followings:
- Sejadah/telekong - Got it, telekong beli kat KL, masjid india, soft embroidery in gold, love it, I actually bought 2, one to use it for dulang and another colour to use now (Fai, I wanna kirim sejadah if ur mum going umrah again)
- Perfume -YSL baby pls baby, kita beli kat Mustafa eh yang.
- HP probably a blackberry (Mr S, my contract dah end, so yeaaay!!!! we can save on that)
- Shoe (Grab it during sale and yes online. I still prefer nine west over Aldo. Aldo got nicer design but Nine west is more comfortable. tgk lah nanti)
- Make up - I bought all the MAC when I was in Canada, damn cheap since MAC is from there. and they have 3 storey high store just selling MAC stuffs, I can go bonkers in there
- Sunnies - I got that Ray ban wayfere at a low low price from ebay.
Mar once told me dat she dun want any dulang for her wedding but for the sake of her mum and makcik makcik pot pet she was forced to have dulang.
I think having dulangs with overprice items on them are just overated. What the F**k for to have a PRADA bag or a HERMES or GUCCI or LV bag , just to show off and show pple that you can afford them? I tell you ah, U taruk PRADA orang akan cakap you taruk CHARLES and KEITH pun org akan cakap, so y not taruk jer benda atas dulang benda benda yg termampu. Makcik pot pet makcik pot pet pls be kind to me, jgn over sangat eh when January 2011 arrive. Terima kasih lah banyak banyak.
Heard rumours that SIA is currently doing quite well, and a 5mths bonus awaits them.
Tuns babe, I tak nak PRADA tapi kalau u insist, I grab ajer. Makin cinta i kat u.
D, that wristlet and that kate spade are gorgeous!!!!!!!!! Grab it. Its such a steal. I'm really loving the colour!
2 ♥:
thank u. Sayang kau!
no problem, aku suka sangat.
sayang kau more!!!!!
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