Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December, Mini Zoo and LuLu

I love December... there is always something special about December, beside the bonus, the Christmas Sale is always a hit in my agenda for the month of December.
The husband birthday also falls on December and extra TLC will always be given and discounts at places during birthday months.
And Ny loves the Christmas lights down Orchard Road... aiya any colourful lights also she likes lah... lampu lap lip kat umah pun she can stare and smile... So the mummy and the daddy monkey have been visiting Orchard road quite often for the little Miss sake.

We had a mini party for the kids (actually its for the mak budak to meet and lepaskan rindu) last Saturday. We had a theme party. Ny decides to be a Flamingo, a flamingo which shrieks alot and wishes to fly. There are also little kai kai (but no jia jia), ada elephant, ada angry owl, ada Chimpanzees, ada tiger, ada lion, ada cat, ada giraffe... Macam Zoo.

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