Its been a mad rush here and there, its been almost 3 weeks but we are still not done with the raya visiting (plus baby N is enjoying her collection).
It feels different to be in my own house on the eve of malam raya. There is no takbir, there is no smell of sambal goreng, lemak lodeh, sambal sotong and all other yummy dishes , there is no nagging from datin dearest to pasang langsir, tukar cushion, pasang cadar (we always do all that chores last minutes, baru seri naik), the frequent argument with the sisters to delegate the jobs, taruk duit dalam envelope, tengok Salam Lebaran together sambil kutok kutok...... sigh.... and truthfully, I miss all that. I really do.
On the eve of malam raya, my house was a total mess, the husband has his own system of cleaning, tapi lembabbbbbb nah, mop sikit, hisap rokok sebatang, lap lagi sikit, minum kopi secawan. But I admit he did a very thorough job, he will always do a proper job walaupun lembab and banyak relek. I jenis lap lap lap, ok dah.... next... very sembrono, jenis asal buat.... I love that we are balance that way. Khakhakha
Tomorrow another jalan raya with the skool mates and the following Saturday with the expandable ding dong bells.... so exciting...
Enjoy ur Rayas....
2 ♥:
Nice Poster. Innovative
Thank you!! its actually 'Happy Hour' chalk board, got it from some flea.
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