Monday, July 04, 2011

Over the rainbow

Oh it's been ages without update. We welcome new member to the ding dong bell clan, another boy, Muhd Shayaan Bin Shahafasha. Born on 15 June 2011 at 11.30am. Congratulation Mama Dinah and Ayah Shah.

Muhd Luth Eshan born on 26 May 2011 at 3.8kg makes me want to keep biting those cheeks. Tgk lah geram kan and they are only 2 weeks apart.

Mummy have been good so far, last check up baby looks healthy, but not as active like the first time we scanned. I had big breakfast deluxe before the appointment so agaknya baby tgh relek jack mcm Daddy dia yg selalu relek jack after meal.

Health wise, I'm good. Alhamdulilah, We took baby to her/his  first music festival, and concert and went skanking with The Wailers at Hard Rock Cafe. Baby was surrounded with few hundred people, and the entire time he/she was really well behave. The daddy was really worried but baby loves music. I did not feel nauseous or light headed in the big crowd. Daddy have been blasting reggae songs, hard core songs, beetles to the belly while the nenek have been blasting Surah al-bakarah, Surah fatimah, Surah Yusuf . The atok have been singing his own tune, entah lagu apa entah. Tak pernah dengar.

We went for a short getaway to Jakarta last weekend with the boys. I badly need time off from work and was so thankful for the getaway. Hotel was excellent, hospitality from Jakarta frens was beyond fantastic and the gig goes smoothly as plan. I managed to get a few basic baby stuffs. I even get baby dresses without knowing lil rockstar gender at this moment. Couldn't resist. Super cheap. Super cute.

And once again baby was well behaved during the gig. Indon crowds was a thousand time more violent than the local crowds. Mida and Lia was really worried 'Fei, duduk di mobil, tidak sesuai untuk ibu hamil' I gave in to them when the kaki start to ache. Once I step into the mobil eh cakap indon pulak step into the car, I felt flutters in the tummy. I on my baby lullaby application in the Iphone and the flutters stops.

The drive from Jakarta to Bandung was bearable but I kena food poisoning. Entah apa I dah cekek. Tuhan ajer yg tau how worried I was. Not much shopping done, sebab lembek most of the time. Touch down jer terus go KK. I was dehydrated but Syukur nothing serious, if not I can  never forgive myself. So bali tripped this July kena force cancel by Datin. We burnt our Jetstar tickets.

Oh, congrats to Din and Ying. He proposed to Ying at the Volcano. Ala so sweet. Maybe its the hormone I was the only one crying my ass off.

Our flight back home was delayed for an hour so we bunked at the airport and the boys surprised me with a cake from Starbucks and a really really loud happy birthday sing along. Very very the malu.

Back in Singapore, we continue to shop for the little one. Exciting life.

I turned 30 last week. The big 3.0. The tiga puluh sen. At 30 years old, I reached most of my life goal. I'm married and pregnant, with a stable and fulfilling job. Alhamdulilah. Thank you Allah for all your blessing.

Mummy @ 18weeks

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